- 他弹钢琴弹得还不错.He plays the piano tolerably well.
- 艾伦现在弹钢琴手指还不太灵活,但过一段时间他会弹得好起来的。Alan plays the piano with a heavy touch, but he will improve all in good time.
- 多么精彩的演出啊!他弹钢琴真不错。How wonderful the play is! He plays the piano wonderfully.
- 他钢琴弹得还算不错。He plays the piano tolerably (well).
- 他弹钢琴的技巧一直在进步,虽然缓慢,但很稳定。Slowly but surely, his skill in piano is improving.
- 他弹钢琴时充满激情。He played the piano with feeling.
- 这曾经快把我逼疯了。现在,我应付得还不错。现在,我尽力而为就是了。It used to drive me crazy. Now, I handle it ok. Now, I just focus on doing my best.
- 他弹得简直出神入化,但又毫无骄矜之色。He played remarkably well and didn't put on any airs.
- 他弹钢琴是为了消遣。He plays the piano for his own enjoyment.
- 要我第一个跳我的确有些紧张,不过,面对摄影机镜头的时候,不知道哪儿来的勇气,发挥得还不错。I was a bit nervous being the first to hit the jump, but when you're with the film crew you get that Kodak courage.
- 他弹钢琴的天赋惊人。He plays the piano with surprising facility.
- 她的蛋是金子做的。他弹着竖琴好去稳定鹅的情绪。Her eggs were made of gold. He played the harp to calm down the goose.
- 他天生擅长弹钢琴。He is a natural on the piano.
- 他弹得不够好,没能胜出。He did not play well enough to win.
- 尽管他上了年纪,但他钢琴演奏得还很不错。In spite of his age his piano playing is still not so dusty.
- 她弹钢琴为我们助兴。She played the piano for our entertainment.
- 彼得满身都是水泥和沙子,我们把他扶起,给他弹弹干净。Peter was coated in cement and sand,but we pecked him up and dusted him down.
- 她弹钢琴弹得很好。She plays the piano very nicely.
- 维维安:我爱他,他在台上有摄人的魅力,他弹吉他与众不同。Vivian: I love him. He has so much charisma on stage. He plays guitar like no other.
- 乱弹钢琴strum on a piano