- 他年轻时饱经忧患.He suffered much embarrassment in his youth.
- 他年轻时饱经忧患。He suffered much embarrassment in his youth.
- 部长说,他年轻时如果“愤怒的青年”一词出现了的说,他就被归为这一类人了。The minister said that in his youth, if the term had been invented then, he would have been classed as an angry young man.
- 他看起来病得很重,但这只不过是他年轻时生活放荡所结下的恶果。How terribly ill he looks, but he's only reaping as he has sown in youth.
- 他年轻时给许多著名画家当过模特。She sat to many famous painters when she was young.
- 他年轻时没有演喜剧的才干。He had no comedy vein in his youth.
- 他年轻时在这个修道院待过。In his youth he had stayed in the monastery.
- 他年轻时,他父亲叫他去跟一个铁匠当徒弟。In his youth his father bound him out to a blacksmith.
- 他年轻时事业上就取得了成功。He arrived professionally when he was still young.
- 他年轻时便已发迹。He made a fortune in his youth.
- 他年轻时当过木匠。He carpentered in his youth.
- 在他年轻时in his youth
- 他年轻时当过卖报小贩。When he was young he worked as a newspaper seller.
- 他年轻时放荡不羁。He led a wild life in his youth.
- 他年轻时是个翻筋斗的杂技演员。He was a tumbler when he was young.
- 他年轻时经历了艰难的岁月。He went through hard times when he was young.
- 他年轻时是个花花公子。In his youth he was an extravagant epicurean.
- 他年轻时当过兵。In his youth he was a soldier.
- 带着悔恨回忆他年轻时的放荡生活Recalled his wild youth with remorse.
- 他年轻时住在爱丁堡。He lived in Edinburgh as a boy.