- 他年轻时是个花花公子.In his youth he was an extravagant epicurean.
- 两年前,要是杰克是个花花公子的话,他就会背叛他的女朋友。If he had been a playboy, he would have betrayed his girl friend tow years ago.
- 他年轻时是个军人。He was a soldier in his youth.
- 部长说,他年轻时如果“愤怒的青年”一词出现了的说,他就被归为这一类人了。The minister said that in his youth, if the term had been invented then, he would have been classed as an angry young man.
- 托尼这小子真是个花花公子,总是很会欣赏女人。Tony was a bit of a lad,always had an eye for the women.
- 未来,如果杰克是个花花公子的话,他可能会背叛他的女朋友吧。If Jack is a playboy, he will betray his girl friend in the future.
- 他年轻时没有演喜剧的才干。He had no comedy vein in his youth.
- 他是个花花公子。He is a playboy.
- 他年轻时在这个修道院待过。In his youth he had stayed in the monastery.
- 他年轻时便已发迹。He made a fortune in his youth.
- "他虽然是个工程师,但他主要是受聘管理一家大企业。""Although he's an engineer, he's principally employed in controlling a large business."
- 他年轻时当过木匠。He carpentered in his youth.
- "她是个美丽的女人," 他说,"有6个孩子,而且另一个也快要出生了。""She was a pretty woman, " he said, "with six children and another on the way."
- 在他年轻时in his youth
- 乔是个胆小鬼,不要把这样艰难的工作交给他。Joe is a yellow-bellied guy; don't send him on such a tough assignment.
- 它使我们对像流感这样的疾病降低了抵抗力,而在我们年轻时是可以易于抗击的。It makes us less resistant to diseases like flu that we can fight off easily in our earlier years.
- 他年轻时当过兵。In his youth he was a soldier.
- 别提他离婚的事---那是个敏感话题。Don't mention his divorce---it's a very tender subject.
- 带着悔恨回忆他年轻时的放荡生活Recalled his wild youth with remorse.
- 从他说话的样子看,我还以为他是个意大利人。From his manner of speaking I took him to be an Italian.