- 他带着钱跑了.He dashed off with the money.
- 那个年轻人拿着我的箱子和我的钱跑了,我再也没见着他。The young man drove off with my box and my money,and I never saw him again.
- 他带着钱急忙地走了。He dashed off with the money.
- 他们用石头扔警察,攥着钱跑了。After casting a stone at the police, they absconded with the money.
- 庇卡底的选董西蒙·桑甘老公来了,他带着老婆,让她坐在骡子屁股上。”Matre Simon Sanguin, the elector of the Nation of Picardy, with his wife on the saddle behind him.
- 我以为他真想做生意,但我被骗了。他卷了我的钱跑了。I thought he really wanted to do business but I was had. He ran off with all my money.
- 他带着一副了不起的神情走进室内。He came into the room with an air of importance.
- 他带著钱跑了。He dashed off with the money.
- 他带着不义之财逃往南美。He escaped to South America with his ill-gotten gains.
- 强盗抢了钱跑了。The robbers took the money and ran.
- 他带着羡慕的目光凝视着被弃置不用的战车,和闪闪发光的武器。He gazed with admiration on the war chariots and glittering arms now reposing in disuse.
- 小偷窃去我所有的钱跑了。The thief got away with all my money.
- 他带着孩子。He took the children with him.
- 还没等妈妈同意贝蒂就拿着钱跑了。Betty ran away with the money before Mum said yes.
- 他带着一种几乎是超自然的谨慎,旋转门把柄,随着低微的嘎吱声,门开了一条缝。With an almost occult carefulness he turned the door handle, and opened the door an inch.
- 但那个划玻璃的是一个心思很周到的人,他带着各种应急的用具。But the glass-cutter was a prudent man who had provided for all emergencies.
- 你带着钱呢吗?Have you got any money on you?
- 他带着十分爽朗的笑容向我们环顾了一下。He looked round upon us with a most agreeable smile.
- 你身上带着钱吗?Do you have any money with you?
- 囚犯带着一个人质跑了。The convict fled away with a hostage.