- 他已经变成老守财奴了.He has grown into an old miser.
- 他已经变成老守财奴了。He has grown into an old miser.
- 不要看不起他的努力。他已经取得了很大的进步。Don't sniff at his effort. He's made great progress.
- 你想变成老小姐吗?Do you want to old maid?
- 那个老守财奴找到一个新的替罪羊,这样我就脱身了。The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out.
- 他的举动好象他已经当上了总统似的。He comported himself as if he was already the Presidcnt.
- 原子弹已经变成了一种不折不扣的梦魇。It's a nightmare that the atomic bomb has become.
- 老守财奴把自己的所有财产都留给了她唯一的孩子。The old miser devised all of her property to her only child.
- 他已经认识到不诚实是没有好报的。He has learned that dishonesty does not pay.
- 这个古老的消费城市今天已经变成了一个现代化的工业基地。The ancient consumer city was now turned into a modern industrial base.
- 鲍勃,你应该向你哥哥学一学。他已经找到一份兼职工作。Bob, you should learn from you brother. He's found a part-time job already.
- 他们前进准备攻击的山头已经变成了不折不扣的堡垒。The mountain upon which they then advanced had been turned into veritable fortresses.
- 过去几年里他已经显示出担任队长职务的素质。He has shown his captaincy mettle over the past few years.
- 他已经被驱逐到西伯利亚的一个地。he has been relegated to a post in Siberia.
- 由于过于肥胖,现在的孩子们已经变成了一些潜在病魔的猎物,糖尿病就是其中之一。Today's youngsters are already falling prey to potential killers such as diabetes because of their weight.
- 这位候选人承认他已经在竞选中失败。The candidate conceded that he had lost the election.
- 这个主要由艺术家管理的地区,已经变成了中国当代艺术的中心。The area, managed in the main by artists, has become the centre of Chinese contemporary art.
- 他已经得到了一部分人的支持,这一点你注意到了吗?Have you noticed the kind of support he has got lined up behind him?
- 他已经想象自己被束缚在轮椅上或是在疗养院里度过余生。He was already picturing himself confined to a wheelchair or spending the rest of his days in a nursing home.
- 维耶拉和亨利联合表示阿森纳在球场上和球场下都已经变成了“无人能级”的球会。Patrick Vieira and Thierry Henry united to insist that Arsenal have become "The Untouchables" - both on and off the pitch.