- 他已潜逃出境。He absconded from the country.
- 他已潜逃出境.He absconded from the country
- 阿瑟已使他商店的营业额有了很大的增长,他已决定把它作为营业发达的商行卖掉。Arthur has greatly increased the turnover of his shop and he's decided to sell it as a going concern.
- 麻烦的是他已从阿根廷那边过来了。我难以推迟和他见面。希望你能理解。And the trouble is, as he's over from Argentina, I can not very well put him off. Hope you understand.
- "他已去世了," 那男孩轻声地回答。过了一会儿,他又补充说: "将来我也要当水手。""He is dead, " replied the boy, softly. In a moment he added, "I'm going to be a sailor, too."
- 他已把自己的势力范围扩展到金融界。He has extended his sphere of influence to the world of banking.
- 他已不抱赢得奖学金的希望了。He despairs of winning a scholarship.
- 在过去几年中他的收入已增加了两倍。He have treble his income during the last few years.
- 他已保证戒酒。He has sworn off drinking.
- 他已完全复元。He was completely restored.
- 他已决定退出竞赛。He has decided to withdraw from the competition.
- 他已准备好去旅行。He is ready for the trip.
- 他已掌握了法语。He has acquired mastery of French.
- 他已偿还了他的债务。He has redeemed his debts.
- 他已归还抵押借款。He has paid off the mortgage.
- 他已脱掉盔甲。He has been disencumbered of his armor.
- 他已退伍。He has been mustered out of service.
- 他已接到通知下星期一去报到。He has notice to report for duty next Monday.
- 他已在心理学方面获得学位。He has obtained a degree in psychology.
- 据说他已积蓄了四百万美元。He was said to have salted away %244 million.