- 他对这工作很外行。He's strange to the work.
- 他对这工作很外行.He's strange to the work.
- 当然我会和她交换意见的,看看他对这件事有什么想法。Of course I'll talk with her and see what she thinks of the matter.
- 别对伊迪提起秃头之类的事,他对这事很敏感。Don't mention baldness to Eddie. It's a sore point with him.
- 她对这工作很有兴趣。She shows great interest in the work.
- 他对这一带的一草一木都了如指掌。He knew every nook and cranny of the area.
- 他脸上的笑容表明他对我们的工作很满意。The smile on his face indicated that he was satisfied with our work.
- 他对这事确实很生气。He was very sulky about it indeed.
- 在火灾中好几本对我的工作很重要的书丢了,因此这工作要继续下去将是很困难的。Several books that were very important for my work were lost in the fire, and it's going to be difficult to gather the threads.
- 虽然可能有些小的出入,他对这件事的叙述是接近事实真相的。His account of what happened approximates to the truth though there may be some small errors.
- 这篇文章表达了他对这一事件的全部看法。The article embodied all his opinions on the incident.
- 他什么都推销过,从函授课程到猪油,这工作很不容易。He sold everything from correspondence courses to hog lard. It was hard work.
- 他对这件事情的说法应与其他证人的说法相一致。His version of the accident should correspond with that of the other witnesses.
- 我最喜欢企业管理,我觉得他对我现在的工作很有用处。I was very interested in Business Management. And I think it's very useful for my present work.
- 史密斯干这工作很合适,但对罗宾逊我无把握。Smith is a good man for the job, but I'm not so sure about Robinson.
- 他对这一危机的处理可能决定他事业的成败。His handling of the crisis could make or mar his career.
- 你万不可迟到,他对这一点最严格。You mustn't be late; he was most insistent about that.
- 他的发言说明他对这问题并不了解。His speech showed that he didn't understand the subject.
- 他对这门学科的知识是他的论据的有力后盾。His knowledge of the subject is the strength of his argument.
- 我对这份工作很感兴趣,而且我认为自己有做好它的能力。I have great interest in this job, and I think I'm capable of doning it well.