- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。""Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- "爸爸在上封信中问你究竟是否打算找到一份工作。" "当然不," 他说,"这样更有趣。""Dad was asking in the last letter if you were ever going to get a job." "Not much, " he said, "I get more fun this way."
- 因为大选年进行清算风险太大,后果难以预料,所以政府将对债权人施加压力以拯救与美光公司的这笔交易,或者另辟蹊径,寻找别的买主。从这里我们可看出政府将会采取积极措施。The government will put pressure on creditors to rescue a deal with Micron or seek a new buyer, as liquidation is too risky to contemplate in an election year.
- 她的同学并没有对她在衣服上的品位以及精心修饰的指甲留下深刻印象,更糟糕的是,her classmates aren't too impressed by her taste in clothes or obsession with manicures and, to make matters worse
- 如果用日本的段位制来衡量他的话,我相信他可以上7段或8段。If the Japanese ranking system were applied to him,I believe he would rank among the seventh or the eighth dan.
- "不,是该死的海关人员把它拿走的。" 约翰说,他呷下一大口威士忌酒后又加上一句: "见他们的鬼去吧!""No, the damned Customs took it." John said, and as he had a gulp of the whisky he added, "Devil take them!"