- 他在国外一年获益匪浅.He profited greatly from his year abroad.
- 他在国外一年获益匪浅。He profited greatly from his year abroad.
- 事实上,她是在国外一所修道院受的教育,讲一口纯粹的苏格兰宫庭语言。In fact, she was educated in a convent abroad, and speaks that pure court-Scotch.
- 简在澳大利亚这一年获益匪浅。Jane has gained much from her year in Australia.
- 过去一年中他连续遭到失败,现在他在努力设法摆脱这种局面。He's been clogged by failure in the past year;now he's working strenuously to pull out.
- 事实上,她是在国外一所修道院受的教育,讲一口纯粹的苏格兰宫庭语言。In fact, she was educated in a convent abroad, and speaks that pure court-Scotch.
- 每次与别人谈话时,他总是不失时机地加一两句他在国外的生活。Every time he talks to others, finds a ways to sneak in a mention of his life abroad.
- 在国外一年之后,我都落伍了。After being abroad for a year, I was out of the swim with fashion.
- 他在国外遭遇种种不幸。He met with adversities abroad.
- "纯粹由于偶然的机会,他在一家小旧书店里找到了他所需要的那本难得的书。"By pure chance he found the rare book he needed in a little second-hand bookshop.
- 他在国外度过大半年。He spent the major part of a year abroad.
- 纯粹由于偶然的机会,他在一家小店里找到了他所需要的那本难得的书。By pure chance he found the rare book he needed in a little shop.
- 我失去了在国外呆一年的机会。I lost the opportunity to spend a year abroad.
- 他在候机室等待飞机时,匆匆地给家里人写了一封短信。He tore off a short letter to his family while waiting in the airport lounge.
- 她在国外工作了一年。She worked abroad for a year.
- 在国外举办一些小型新加坡美食节是不足够的,因为这只能把信息传达到国外一小部分的人。Holding short festivals on Singapore food abroad is not enough. They reach out to only small pockets of people abroad.
- 他在过去一年里都在上课,并且日日夜夜地联系。He has been having lessons for the last year and practises morning, noon and night!
- 他在国外工作时, 家书是他的精神支柱。Letters from home were an anchor to him when he worked abroad.
- 他在国外时,一想到祖国他就觉得非常自豪。He felt very proud at the idea of his country when he was abroad.
- 她过去十分腆,但在国外呆了一年以后完全变了She used to be terribly shy,but a year abroad have completely transform her