- 他和他的学生私奔了.> elopement n [C, U].Heeloped with one of his students.
- 他和他的学生私奔了.He eloped with one of his students.
- 约翰的母亲答应星期六带他和他的朋友们到动物园去。她履行了诺言。John's mother promised to take him and his friends to the zoo on Saturday. She made good her promise.
- 他和他的学生私奔了。He eloped with one of his students.
- 我也是过了一些时候,才能习惯他和他的同学的名字。他们是成都西南财经大学的学生。It took me a while to get used to his name and those of his classmates in Southwest University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu.
- 他的音乐生活风格已经很清楚得体现在他和他的穿着上了。His music lifestyle is seen very clearly in him even in the clothes he wears.
- 她父母不允许她与那个年轻人结婚,她便悄悄地和他私奔了。Her parents didn't allow her to marry the young man and she went off with him secretly.
- 我真为可怜的老迈克遗憾。他先是失业,现在他的妻子又与他最好的朋友彼得私奔了。My heart bleeds for poor old Mike. First he lost his job, and now his wife has gone off with his best friend Pete.
- 他相信他和他同国的学生是未来的领袖He believes that he and his compatriot student is the future leader
- 你可能想知道吧,他和他的家人都极力称赞他的旅行安排。I think you would like to know that he and his family were loud in their praise of the arrangements on his journey.
- 我看见他和他父亲一块离开去度假了。I saw him coming away with his father for a holiday.
- 要不然他还会在教书,因为他的心仍然在课堂上和他的学生们在一起。Otherwise he would still be teaching, because his heart and soul were still in the classroom with his students.
- “在他当兵打仗的时候,他的妻子抛下他的家和另一个男人私奔了。”"Whilst he was at the war his wife abandoned his home and ran off with another man."
- 他和他的妻子过着经常争吵的生活。He and his wife lead a cat-and-dog life.
- 印度故事中的亚当是快活的,他和他的妻子在美丽的大地上漫游着。And the Hindu Adam was happy and he and his wife roved about on the beautiful earth.
- 他和他的妻子在一切方面都融洽无间。He and his wife had all things in sweet community.
- 他的学生当中有五个(四个博士生和一个博士后)分别获得了诺贝尔奖。Five of his students, four Ph Ds and one postdoc, each won the Nobel Prize.
- 在我提读那个事故以前,他和他的妻子谁也不谈这件事。Neither he not his wife spoke of the accident until I brought it up.
- 你已收养了他的孩子,不要因为他和你的家里人相处不好而抛弃他。You've got his baby,you can't just walk out on him because he doesn't get on with your family.
- 他和他的家庭包括十一个儿子逃离拉班。He and his family including eleven sons flee from Laban.