- 他和他妻子葬在一起.He was buried with his wife.
- 他有一位情妇。他和他妻子生活在一起只是为了避免世俗的责难。He has a mistress. He and his wife only live together for appearance's sake.
- 就是亚伯拉罕向赫人买的那块田。亚伯拉罕和他妻子撒拉都葬在那里。"The same field which abraham got from the children of Heth: there abraham was put to rest with Sarah, his wife."
- 如果他和他爱的人在一起的话,他的生活的确会很不一样。His life would certainly have been very different, if he had married his sweetheart.
- 我上学时常常与他和他姐姐在一起。I palled around with him and his sister at school.
- 他和他妻子三个月前就关系破裂了。He and his wife busted up three months ago.
- 他和他妻子葬在一起。He was buried with his wife.
- 而且,你真应该看看他和你的朋友我们把他葬在了妈妈旁边,To tell you that father has gone. He was living with Brigid, she said he was
- 她不让他和他自己的朋友呆在一起,这就是症结所在。She won't let him spend any time with his own friends, and that's where the shoe pinches.
- 他和他全家,即:母亲、父亲、三个孩子、一条狗都在车站等我。He and his family-to wit, mother, father, three children, and one dog-were waiting for me at the station.
- 自从他和那个声名狼藉的集团鬼混在一起之后,我就同他断绝了往来。I've had nothing to do with him since he got in with that rather disreputable clique.
- [新译]亚哈斯和他的祖先一同长眠,葬在大卫城和他的祖先在一起。他的儿子希西家接续他作王。KJV] And Ahaz slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David: and Hezekiah his son reigned in his stead.
- 他和他的妻子过着经常争吵的生活。He and his wife lead a cat-and-dog life.
- 安迪正拿着小号站在车库旁边。他和他母亲刚从他上课的地方回来。Andy was standing by the garage with his trumpet. He and his mother had just got back from his lesson.
- 他和他的邻居坦诚而和睦地住在一起。He lives straight and peacefully with his neighbours.
- 有个人和他妻子在家里闹了点小矛盾,两个人彼此不说话。A man and his wife were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment.
- 昨晚好个小男孩子害怕,他和他妈妈睡在一起。The little boy was scared last night. He and his mother were sleeping together.
- 他和他的妻子在一切方面都融洽无间。He and his wife had all things in sweet community.
- 他发现他妻子已抛弃他而去和一个龌龊的下流胚在一起。He finds his wife has deserted him and with a dirty lowlife too.
- 杰克是个大男子主义者,他和他妻子都全日工作,但他不肯帮助做家务。Jack's a real male chauvinist swine. Both he and his wife work full-time,but he refuses to help with the housework.