- 他可真是大酒鬼.He's a dreadful old soak.
- 詹姆森先生仅以5,000美元起家,从这一点上考虑,他可真是发展迅速。Considering that he started with %24 5,000 Mr Jameson is making tracks.
- 他现在一副电影明星的模样,小时候他可真是只丑小鸭。He's got the looks of a film star now, but he was a real ugly duckling as a child.
- 大酒鬼a son of Bacchus
- 例:老毛这个人就是太急,说话老得罪人,如果不是他夫人打圆场,他可真不知道怎么办了。Ex.:Lao Mao has an irascible temperament and offends people easily. If his wife is not there to smooth things over, he will be really lost at what to do.
- 为了管理好工厂,他可真是煞费苦心。He took great pains to manage the factory well.
- 他可真是大酒鬼。He's a dreadful old soak.
- 史密斯先生的木板围墙由腐烂而倒塌,都是因为他怕花钱油漆。他真是大处不算小处算。Mr.Smith's fence is rotting and falling down because he wouldn't spend money to paint it. He is penny wise and pound foolish.
- 他可真难伺候。He is hard to wait on.
- 他可真够帅的。He is quite a looker.
- 噢,我男朋友过来啦,他可是个大醋坛子呦。Uh-oh, here comes my boy friend, he is insanely jealous.
- 这可真是奇谈怪论。It is really fantastic stories and theories.
- 鸡蛋还要去找,可找到一个鸡在外面的暗窝真是大收获。Eggs are to be sought after,and what a triumph is the discovery of a stolen nest!
- 说起口译,他可真成!When it comes to oral interpretation, he really knows his job.
- 杰夫: 他可真狂得有意思。Jeff: His arrogance is very interesting.
- 你要是不马上回来他可真火了!He will be fairly browned off unless you come back right away!
- 噢,你还把那本书扔到垃圾桶里啦?那可真是太没礼貌啦!M: Well, I really trashed the book he was asking us to read. I probably should have been a little more tactful.
- 这小子可真是又大又丑!How big and ugly the baby was!
- (彼得)他可真不走运,没能获得那份工作。Unluckily (for Peter) he did not get the job.
- 工人们已经对工资不满,还要他们延长工作时间,可真是火上加油。The workers weren't satisfied with their wages,and when they were asked to work longer hours,it added fuel to the flames.