- 他几乎整出戏都在台上.He was on (the) stage for most of the play
- 他几乎整出戏都在台上。He was on (the) stage for most of the play.
- 尽管他扮演主角的叔叔这个次要角色,但在整出戏中他演得最出色。In the minor role of the hero's uncle,he succeeded in running away with the show.
- 他整天都在河边钓鱼,晚上回到家里,总要讲他几乎要钓到的鱼的出奇故事。He would spend the whole day by the river and in the evening would come home with marvelous stories of the fish he had nearly caught.
- 在这出戏中几乎每个人都在伤害他人,自己也受到伤害,因而整出喜剧是对资本主义社会的强烈讽刺。In this drama nearly everybody hurts others and is themselves hurt by the invention and spread of scandalous gossip, which is a dept indictment of capitalistic society.
- 他对演这出戏都着迷了,他家里的人几乎都见不着他。He got so wound up in the play that his family hardly saw him.
- 他整天都在河边钓鱼,晚上才回到家里,总要讲他几乎要钓到的鱼的出奇故事。He used to spend the whole day by the river and in the evening he used to come home with marvelous stories of fish he had nearly caught.
- 哦,整出戏结束了。Well, the whole piece is over.
- 美国国家广播公司现场直播结束后,她说:“我在台上一点都不拘束,这对我帮助很大。”"I was just myself on stage, I think that helped a lot," she said after the NBC-televised ceremonies.
- 我喜欢整出戏,但我觉得唱功尤其美妙。I liked the whole play but the singing especially I thought was tremendous.
- 在他之后几乎所有的英国文学家都在艺术观点,文学形式及语言技巧方面受到他的影响。Almost all English writers after him have been influenced by him either in artistic point of view, in literary form or in language.
- 如果用日本的段位制来衡量他的话,我相信他可以上7段或8段。If the Japanese ranking system were applied to him,I believe he would rank among the seventh or the eighth dan.
- 每一个我相熟的编剧在我每一部戏都有给予意见,只是会否出名而已。Actually my scriptwriter friends are always helpful and give me a lot of advice every time, it is just a matter of whether they are credited or not.
- 如果国共两党能共同完成这件事,蒋氏父子他们的历史都会写得好一些。If the KMT and the CPC can join efforts to complete it, Chiang kai-shek and his son will have a better place in history.
- 在那出戏里,玛丽出演一位女舞蹈家,可导演叫她同时兼演女舞蹈家的母亲。In the play, Mary was playing the part of a dancer, but the director asked her to double as the mother.
- 尽管那个贵族每场戏都得念一遍那封信,但他还是坚持要求将信的全文写在信纸上。Performance insist that Even though the noble was expected to read the letter at each performance, he always insisted that it should be written out in full.
- 他有整整一周没露面了,所以我们都在想他出了什么事了。For a whole week he hasn't put in an appearance, so we are wondering what happened to him.
- “他整宵都在说着关于一只什么黑豹的梦话,”斯蒂芬说,“他的猎枪套在哪儿?-- He was raving all night about a black panther, Stephen said.Where is his guncase?
- 学生们一般都在年终上演一出戏。The students usually put on a play at the end of the year.
- 他那时候窘得似乎甲板上人都在注意他,心里怪鲍小姐太做得出,恨不能说她几句。At that moment he was so embarrassed that it seemed to him that everybody on deck was watching him.Inwardly he blamed Miss Pao for being too overt in her behavior and wished he could have said something to her about it.