- 他们的投资大有赚头.They invested the money very profitably.
- 年度报告表明,在过去两年中他们的利润率有的提高,在厂房和机器方面的投资大有增加。Their annual return shows greater profitability and much heavier investment in plant and machinery over the last two years.
- 他趁着还有赚头,赶紧从股市中退了出来。He got out of the stock market while he was still ahead of the game.
- 另外,我们想知道哪些资料买了可以有赚头。We would also like to have some information on buying it on margin.
- 白领犯罪将不再增长,所有的利益攸关方均可确信他们的投资是安全的。The growth of white-collar crime will be halted so that all stakeholders can have confidence that their investments are safe.
- 向这类公司投资大有油水可捞。There are rich pickings to be had by investing in this sort of company.
- 他们的交涉大有进展。They made a great step forward in their negotiations.
- 通过出售有家证券进行他们的投资活动的金融机构。a financial institution that funds their investment activities from the sale of securities or insurance.
- 报告说,多年来,尼日尔的外资主要来自法国、比利时和荷兰等欧盟国家,而最近两年来,来自中国和利比亚的投资大幅度上升。The report says that for years, foreign investments in Niger are chiefly from the EU nations such as France, Belgium, and Holland. However, in the recent two years, there has been a dramatic increase in investments coming from China and Libya.
- 土匪们听说有一个团的士兵正向他们的巢穴进军就四处溃逃。The bandits fled in disorder when they heard that a regiment of soldiers were maching to their den.
- 他们的友谊大有进展。Their friendship bloomed.
- 外汇基金的目标是捍卫港元汇率。外汇基金的投资策略有三?The objective of the Exchange Fund is to safeguard the exchange value of the currency of Hong Kong.
- 因他们的救赎主大有能力,For their redeemer is strong;
- 我要说,我们的物价有点问题,对基本建设的投资也收紧了一点。I must say that there are some problems with commodity prices and that we have slightly reduced our investment in capital construction.
- 而你不用花很多钱养他们。养兔子,小投资大收益。And you do not have to spend a lot of money to feed them. With rabbits, you get a big return from a small investment.
- 对许多科学家和工程师,人们都是根据他们的成就有多大来评断的。Many of the scientists and engineers are judged in terms of how large their achievements are.
- 公司正在收获他们的投资回报。The company is now reaping the rewards of their investments.
- 因此在他们大多数人的投资组合中,股票数量高于平均数。Most therefore had an above-average weighting of shares in their portfolios.
- 国家对外商投资企业的投资总额与注册资本间的比例有何规定?Are there any government regulations concerning the ratio between the total investment and registered capital of a foreign invested enterprise?
- 他们的知识和经验对这项工作的进展有很大帮助。Their knowledge and experience contributed immensely to the progress of the work.