- 他们的态度很生硬.Their manner was rather stiff.
- 她一向很注意对他们的态度。She always made a particular point of being agreeable to them.
- 他们的theirs
- 听说他们的态度后我很不高兴。It upset me to learn of their attitude.
- 我看他自以为待人很友好,其实他在别人面前态度很生硬。I think he feels quite friendly towards people,but he's as stiff as a poker in company.
- 看起来,他们的态度非常坚决。It seems their attitude is resolute.
- 她对老板的态度很不满。She was very dissatisfied at the attitude of the employer.
- 对于一个认识他们很久的人来说,你异乎寻常地没有意识到他们的缺点。For a person who has known them so long you are strangely oblivious to their faults.
- 他们正试图采取更为合作的态度。They are trying to adopt a more cooperative posture.
- 格林医生对病人的态度很好(他讲究方式方法, 使人愉快).Dr Green has a good bedside manner, ie He is tactful and pleasant.
- 来个一百八十度的转弯,采取信任他们的态度。Take a leap of faith and trust them.
- 怀特兄弟对科学社会团体颁发给他们的奖章看得很淡,并一再拒绝在公共场合发表讲话。The Wright brothers paid little attention to the medals they received from scientific societies and refused to make a public speech again and again.
- 他对妇女的态度很保守。He's very conservative in his attitude to women.
- 在一些降水量很少的国家里,农民必须灌溉他们的田地。In some countries in which there is very little rain at any time, the farmers have to irrigate their fields.
- 他的态度似乎很生硬冷淡。His manner seemed rather stiff and impersonal.
- 他的态度很严肃。His attitude was very serious.
- 他使用手推车运送石头;他们的手推车被货物堆得很高。He used a handcart to carry the rocks away; their pushcart was piled high with groceries.
- 他们的态度已使新协议无法达成。Their attitude has closed the door to any new agreement.
- 他的态度很粗暴。His attitude was very sultry.
- 虽然偶尔开玩笑,保镖们还是很认真地执行着他们的任务。But jokes and light bantering aside, the guards still took their jobs seriously.