- 他们平等分担家务.They share the housework equally between them.
- 他们平等分担家务。They share the housework equally between them.
- adj. 和某人平分某物(和某人平等分担)go shares in sth.with sb.
- 他们分担家务。They divided between them the household chores.
- 在他的一生中,他迫使政府解放美国黑人并给他们平等权利。In his life time, he forced the government to liberate the blacks in the USA and gave them equal rights.
- 在他的一生中,他迫使政府解放美国黑人并给他们平等权利。In his life time, he forced the government to liberate the blacks in the USA and gave them equal rights.
- 分担share responsibility
- 男女分担家务劳动。Men and women are encouraged to share household duties.
- 在他的一生中,他迫使政府解放美国黑人,给他们平等的权利。In his lifetime, he forced the government to liberate the blacks in the USA and give them equal rights.
- 做家务do housework
- 他们整天艰苦地挖壕沟。They toiled all day digging the trench.
- 家庭成员一起分担家务劳动。The housework is shared among the family members.
- 他们的性格就是合不来。Their characters just don't mesh.
- 我们坚持种族平等的原则。We uphold the principle of racial equality.
- 他们宣称他是叛徒。They proclaimed that he was a traitor.
- 他分担我的悲伤也分享我的快乐。He shared in my sorrows as well as in my joys.
- 他们收一点注册费。They charge a small registration fee.
- 鼓励男女分担家务劳动。Men and women are encouraged to share household duties.
- 他们进城去看芭蕾。They went downtown to see a ballet.
- 他们向市场推出一种新产品。They put a new product on the market.