- 他们在英格兰湖区度假.They are on holiday in the Lake District
- 他们在英格兰湖区度假。They are on holiday in the Lake District.
- 而威廉·华兹华斯在英格兰湖区度过了很长时间,享年80岁,殁于1850年。While William Wordsworth, who spent much of his time in the English Lake District, lived to the age of80 and died in1850.
- 去年夏天他们去湖区度假。They went to the lake district for their vacation last summer.
- 他们在流亡时(主要在英格兰),策划推翻革命政府,寻求外国援助,以恢复旧政权。"In exile, mainly in England, many emigres plotted against the Revolutionary government, seeking foreign help to restore the old regime. "
- 去湖区度假。went to the lake district for their vacation.
- 他们在踩葡萄酿酒。They were tramping grapes for wine.
- 温莎城堡:英国皇家居住地。坐落在英格兰南部伯克郡,位于泰晤士河北岸。"Windsor Castle: Principal British royal residence, on the River Thames in Windsor, Berkshire, southern England."
- 当时他们在试验一件新武器。They were testing a new weapon then.
- 华兹华斯从风景优美的英格兰湖区获得灵感。那地方是他灵感的巨大源泉。Wordsworth found (his) inspiration in/drew (his) inspiration from the Lake District scenery. It was a great source of inspiration to him.
- 他们在设计道路系统。They are devising a road system.
- 他们在找工作。They were seeking employment.
- 这个法国人曾在英格兰居住了10多年,但他的法国音仍然很重。The Frenchman has lived in England for more than ten years but he still had an accent you could cut with a knife.
- 他们在乡下过着宁静的生活。They lived a tranquil life in the countryside.
- 英格兰湖区的美景给了华兹华斯灵感而创作出他最伟大的诗篇.The Lake District scenery inspired Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry.
- 他们在路边盖了一间房子。They built a house by the roadside.
- 瓦伊河在英格兰西部,实际上它的一段构成了英格兰与威尔士的边界。The Wye River is in western England, and in fact forms part of the border between England and Wales.
- 他们在教堂结婚。They were united at the church.
- 他们在半年内盖好了这幢房屋。They finished the house within half a year.
- 华兹华斯从风景优美的英格兰湖区获得灵感. 那地方是他灵感的巨大源泉。Wordsworth found (his) inspiration in/drew (his) inspiration from the Lake District scenery. It was a great source of inspiration to him.