- 他们听到火车的鸣笛声.They heard the sound of the train whistle.
- 当我听到身后车子的鸣笛声时,我还沉浸在自己的思考中。I was still lost in my thoughts when I heard the horn of the car behind me.
- 第二天一早,他被一艘正靠近小岛的船只的鸣笛声所吵醒。是的,有人来救他了。Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him.
- 你有听到火车声吗?Do you hear thesound of a train?
- 过去我们常会在晚上听到火车的汽笛声。We used to hear the train whistle at night.
- 当他们听到这个令人激动的消息时,他们情不自禁地哭了。When they heard the exciting news, they couldn't stop crying.
- 后来,我听到火车突突地驶离了车站。Then I heard the train stutter out of the staiton.
- 轮船发出鸣笛声川流不息。The boats paraded endlessly, sounding their horns.
- 然后想想自己的反应不同,当他们听到您会抽空赚你高公民学校毕业文凭的高中生。Then, think about how different their reaction will be when they learn that you took the time to earn your high school diploma from Citizen's High School.
- 英雄在鸣笛声中被迎上船,所有的水手都欢呼起来。The hero was piped aboard,and all the sailors cheered.
- 好多年,火车的动力是蒸汽。For many years the motive power of trains was steam.
- 如果警察认为我也参与了火车的抢劫,那他们可是弄错了目标。If the police think I was mixed up in the train robbery,they are barking up the wrong tree.
- 他们听到了火警警报。They heard the fire alarm.
- 火车鸣笛。The train whistled.
- 他们听到消息很惊奇。They were surprised to hear the news.
- 火车的隆隆声慢慢消逝了。The rumbling of the train slowly died away.
- 他们听到那消息都很高兴。They were all very pleased with the news.
- 等火车的当儿,他们看电影打发时间。While they were waiting for the train, they caught a movie to pass the time.
- 突然间他们听到有人大喊“前有暗礁!”Suddenly they heard a shout of "Breakers ahead!"
- 火车的刹车声和金属相互刮擦的声音让人恨不得用耳塞堵住耳朵。The squeak of train wheels and scraping during a spot of DIY have us reaching for earplugs.