- 他们住在高等住宅区.They live in the posh part of town.
- 他们住在离边境这么近的地方,时时担心受到敌人的袭击。Situated so close to the border,they lived in constant fear of attack by the enemy.
- 他们住在高级住宅区。They live in a posh part of town.
- 他们住在一个偏僻的山村。They lived in a remote mountain village.
- 美国的家庭一般包括先生、太太和孩子。他们住在一幢房子里。There is usually a husband, a wife and their children in an American family. They live in one house.
- 母亲为我讲一个有关小仙人的故事,他们住在森林里,晚上才出来。Mother read me a story about the wee folk who lived in the forest and came out at night.
- 他们住在国外以逃避交税。They evade paying taxes by living abroad.
- 他们住在豪华的旅馆里。They stayed in luxurious hotels.
- 他们住在廉价公寓里。They live in a tenement.
- 他们住在一个住宅区里。They live on a housing estate.
- 他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。They live close to the museum.
- 他们住在一个沿海的城市里。They live in a town along the coast.
- 他们住在附近吗?Do they live locally?
- 他们住在这里。They live here.
- 他们住在一个林中休养地。They lived in a sylvan retreat.
- 他们住在过于拥挤的小屋里。They lived in overcrowded hovels.
- 他们住在我们楼上的一套公寓房间里。They live in the apartment above ours.
- 他们住在用栅栏围起的镇子里。They lived in a palisaded town.
- 他们住在马路的另一边。They live on the other side of the street.
- 他们住在两段楼梯上面。They live two flights up.