- 他为同业增了光.He is an ornament to his profession.
- 他为同业增了光。He is an ornament to his profession.
- 这个人多少是个天才。他谨慎地提出了自己的观点。他为自己的观点提供了证据。The man was something of a genius. He had made points carefully. Proof was given to support his views.
- 这名优秀生为老师增了光。This brilliant pupil is a credit to his teachers.
- 他为本公司引进了更好的管理方法。He introduced better methods of management in this company.
- 莫内,简1888-1979法国经济学家和政治家,他为欧洲共同市场制定了计划French economist and politician who laid the plans for the Common Market.
- 他的巨著给他任教的大学增了光。His great books have added luster to the university where he teaches.
- 国王因那位军人英勇而封他为爵士。The king knighted the soldier for his valor.
- 随着时间的推移,他俩有了两个孩子,子孙繁衍又增了很多人。In due course of time they had two children,and then had many more.
- 他为保卫祖国不惜牺牲自己的一切。He did not hesitate to sacrifice his all for protecting his motherland.
- 几个星期前,她第一次看见了光,我和他的父亲都感到很骄傲!For a few weeks ago, she saw the light for the first time and both me and the father are very proud!
- 这一经验为他的思想开阔了新的视野。This experience opened a new prospect in his mind.
- 那是他为取得神学学位而写的论文。That was his dissertation written for the degree of B.D.
- 他为本报弄到所有的头号独家新闻。He got all the big scoops for the paper.
- 他为这次长途旅行仔细地作了计划。He matured his plans for the long trip.
- 他为这项特殊任务挑选了一组人马。He selected a team for the special task.
- 为称颂他对祖国的贡献,女王封他为贵族。The Queen raised him to the peerage to honour hi contribution to his motherland.
- 他为实现个人能力与才智而奋斗不息。He ceaselessly strives for the realization of individual capacities and talents.
- 画到一半时,她问是否能让她看一眼他为她画的肖像。Halfway through the sitting she asked if she could peek at the portrait he was doing of her.
- 当女朋友称他为心肝宝贝时,这年轻人满脸通红。The young man blushed when his girl friend called him her sweetie pie.