- 他不能维持纪律。He's no disciplinarian,ie He does not or cannot maintain discipline.
- 他不能维持纪律.He's no disciplinarian,ie He does not or cannot maintain discipline.
- 不能cannot
- 口吃使他不能成为一个好的演讲者。His stammer prohibited him from becoming a good speaker.
- 他很抱歉地对我说他不能来参加这个聚会了。He told me with regret that he could not come to the party.
- 这演员现在正走运,但他不晓得这种光景能维持多久。The actor is now having a purple patch but he does not know how long it will last.
- 哈里希望能生活在边疆开拓时期,但他不能使时光倒流。Harry wishes that he bad lived in frontier days, but he can't turn back the clock.
- 他不能总是指望他的同事来支持他。He can't always expect his colleagues to prop him up.
- 那时他连普通生活都不能维持,更不要说奢侈品了。At that time they could not afford the ordinary comforts of life, not to speak of luxuries.
- 举例:他不能控告我诽谤,因为他刚刚因为诽谤而被起诉成功。He cannot accuse me of libel because he was just successfully sued for libel.
- 他头部的伤使他不能参加战斗任务。His head wound mustered him out of combat duty.
- 他不能静静地躺着, 而在卧室里冲来撞去。He could not lie still, but rampaged up and down his bedroom.
- 他遇到一件不幸的事,使他不能来参加足球比赛。A mishap prevented him playing in the football match.
- 邻人突然登门,使他不能专心学习。He was distracted from his studies by the sudden arrival of a neighbour.
- 人群向男孩挤去,直到他不能动弹。The crowd pressed on the boy until he could hardly move.
- 因为他是个缺乏勇气的人,他不能对这个要求说不。He could not say no to the request because he is a meek person.
- 在这次事故中他不能逃避他应负的责任。He could not retreat from his responsibility in this accident.
- 因身体欠佳,他不能继续在军队服役。His poor health disbarred him from further service in the army.
- 既然他不能来了,咱们就开始开会吧。Now he doesn't come,let's start our meeting.
- 他们彼此都能探到对方,但他不能动。They would reach each other. But he couldn't make the move.