- 他不是教书的材料.He has little vocation for teaching.
- 那种硬邦邦的自传效果,显然证明他不是写小说的材料。The stiffly autobiographical result made it clear that his talent lay elsewhere.
- 他不是教书的材料。He has little vocation for teaching.
- 在西洋古代,每逢有人失踪,大家说:“这人不是死了,就是教书去了。”In the West in ancient times, whenever someone disappeared, people would say, "He's either died or he's gone to teach" (Aut mortuus est aut docet litteras).
- workman读完了关于这项研究的文章,似乎有些法律措辞他不是十分了解。Workman reads over the article about the studies as if it's some legalese he can't quite comprehend.
- 他是教书的材料。He has a vocation for teaching.
- 假若他不是那么精明强干的企业家,就不会在这样冒险的事业中取得成功。He will not have succeeded in such a risky business if he has not be such a clever entrepreneur.
- 尽管他不是他们的头号投手,但是他却是一名优秀的投手。Though he is not their ace hurler, he is a good pitcher.
- 那种硬邦邦的自传效果,显然证明他不是写小说的材料。The stiffly autobiographical result made it clear that his talent lay elsewhere.
- 他不是这个国家的人,他是外国人。He is not from this country, he is a foreigner.
- 要不是你给我提供错误的材料阻挠了我的工作,我早就把它做完了。The job would have been finished sometime ago if you hadn't thrown a spanner in the works by supplying me with the wrong materials.
- 那个人不能指挥我,他不是我的上级。That man can't dictate to me; he's not my superior.
- 我想他不是一个街头艺人,我敢说他在行骗。I don't think he is a street entertainer, I really believe he's overreaching.
- 他不是第一个被抬上高位便忘恩负义的政客。He is not the first politician to kick down the ladder by which he has risen to exalted heights.
- 他不是一个高明的射手,打不下多少鸟。He's a bad shot and won't bring down many birds.
- 就作州长而言, 他不是一个成功者。He was not a success as a governor.
- 他不是四处游逛,就是去阳谷滑雪。He's always on a cruise or skiing in Sun Valley.
- 约1:8他不是那光、是要为光作见证。He was not the Light, but he came to testify about the Light.
- 我不是诗人,正如他不是学者一样。I am no more a poet than he is a scholar.
- "对这个小男孩不要太严厉了,他不是故意这么做的。"Don't be too hard on the boy; he didn't mean to do it.