- 我听说过他,但与他不很熟,不能请他帮忙。I know of him but I don't know him well enough to ask for help.
- 这位老师承认,在给学生打分上,他不很大方。The teacher professed that he was not generous when it came to giving good grades.
- 他不很合群.He's not a very social person.
- 他不想老是问起她的健康情况,因为她对自己的病好像不很在乎。He was unwilling to press her with questions about her health,since she seemed to make light of the indisposition.
- 看起来他不很高兴。A: It seems that he is unhappy.
- 他不很聪明还比较懒。He is not very clever, besides, he is also lazy.
- 他很抱歉地对我说他不能来参加这个聚会了。He told me with regret that he could not come to the party.
- 他们作出令人不悦的暗示说他可能不很老实。They made unpleasant insinuations that he might not be quite honest.
- 这是个很好的提议,但他不感兴趣。It was a pretty good offer, but he didn't bite.
- 他的作品在这次竞赛中评价并不很高。His work didn't rate very high in the competition.
- 我对他不很了解,但你可以相信他。I don't know him well,but you may place your confidence in him.
- 人们对老斯茂特了解得很少;他不爱与人来往。Nobody knows much about old Smout. He keeps to himself most of the time.
- 他不是很帅,但肩膀很宽,体形很好。He is not so handsome but is in good shape with nice broad shoulders.
- 她不很喜欢他;事实上,我认为她恨他!In fact; actually: She doesn't like him much - as a matter of fact I think she hates him!
- 母亲:你不要误会我的意思。我想凯文是个很好的人,不过你必须承认他不很负责任。贝丝:您说得不错,他要长大还得有好多事要学习。But you have to admit he isn't very responsible. Beth: I guest you are right. He's got a lot of growing up to do.
- 他不满自己说出的话,很厌弃自己。He was not happy at what he had said. He was filled with disgust at himself.
- 在他的圈子之外,他并不很受欢迎。Outside of his circle he is not very popular.
- 他不想漏掉一个字,所以很用心听讲。He listened attentively so as not to miss a single word.
- 他做生意的方法不很老实,不久就犯了法。His business methods were not entirely honest,and he soon ran afoul of the law.
- 他不是特别聪明,但他工作很努力。He is not specially clever,but he works hard.