- 他一脸吃惊的神情.He had a startled look on his face.
- 他一脸木呆呆的神情,不知道在想什么心事?He is in a daze. No one knows what he is thinking about.
- 我听了这话,不由露出一脸吃惊的神色。My face betrayed the astonishment I felt at this
- 他一脸吃惊的神情。He had a startled look on his face.
- 他一脸迷惑,瞠目望着那一片仿佛是胡涂乱抹的色彩退开了。His face expressed his bepuzzlement. He stared at what seemed a careless daub of paint, then stepped away.
- 令我吃惊的是,他一句话也没说就走了出去。To my great surprise, he walked out without saying a word.
- 他一脸木呆呆的神情, 不知道在想什么心事?He is in a daze. No one knows what he is thinking about.
- 那主人弯下身子,凑到他耳边,用一种使他吃惊的口吻说:“快走。Then the host bent down to his ear, and said in a tone which made him start, "Go away!
- 他一脸沉思的神情。He looked thoughtful.
- 他一度住在我们隔壁的那栋房子里。He used to live for a time in the house next to ours.
- 我的父亲中等身材,长得结实强壮,有一副挺严肃的神情和一双锐利而富于表情的眼睛。My father is of middle height. He is stout and strong. with a severe look on his face and with keen expressive eyes.
- 他一想到还要欺骗人就感到很不是滋味。The very idea of cheating people again is distasteful to him.
- 每当提到她的婚姻生活,她就一脸的幸福。Every time she speaks of her married life, she is a picture of happiness.
- 公主照例在脸上露出惊讶的神情,好象他在做什么不体面的事情一样。The princess, as was her habit, tried to express her amazement in her face, as though she were doing something improper.
- 他叫我们安静下来,然后宣布了一条令人吃惊的消息。He asked us to be quiet and then made a startling announcement.
- 他一看见那景象就高兴得举起小手。He lifted up his little hands in rapture at the sight.
- 他一脸的肌肉在皱缩发白,一面吞吞吐吐地接下去说。He hesitated and added, the muscles of his face contracting whitely.
- 凯在瑞拉身边坐了下来。“别哭了。”他轻轻对瑞拉说,脸上流密出悲伤的神情。Kiah sat down on the floor next to Rilla. His face was sad. "Don't cry," he said quietly.
- 他一开始演讲,听众就开始诘问他。He had scarcely begun his speech when the audience began to heckle him.
- 她身子微微前倾,一脸诚心诚意的神情。She leaned slightly forward with a conscientious expression.