- 他一向不很规矩.He has always been a bit of a reprobate.
- 他一向不习惯这么品头论足,因此,不知道怎么对此作出评价。Being unused to such appraisement, he did not know how to value it
- 他一向不把钱放在眼里,认为这对于一位绅士是无足轻重的。His first impulse was always to be liberal with halfcrowns as matters of no importance to a gentleman.
- 他的字写得很规矩。His handwriting shows care and training.
- 不很not very
- 他一向不信宗教,对于引人进入天国的人和他们的灵魂不问一向心平气和地嗤之以鼻。He had always been irreligious, scoffing good-naturedly at the sky-pilots and their immortality of the soul.
- 大学的学生都很规矩恭顺。The students at the college are passive and respectful.
- 我相信她是个很规矩的女人。She is a very decent kind of woman, I believe.
- 他一向不行。He was never any good.
- 原则上他一向迟到,他的原则就是认为守候等于浪费时间。He was always late on principle, his principle being that punctuality is the thief of time.
- 她的女儿很规矩。Her daughter is so well-behaved.
- 这家商店的服务一向不好,但这一次实在是叫人受不了。The service in this shop has been bad before, but this is the last straw.
- 我得承认我没有过很规矩的生活。I haven't been living a strictly conventional life, I will admit.
- 他们作出令人不悦的暗示说他可能不很老实。They made unpleasant insinuations that he might not be quite honest.
- 他一向不把女孩子放在眼里。He had always ignored girls.
- 他是个很规矩的人。He is quite a decent fellow.
- 他一向省吃俭用、辛辛苦苦,尽量让别人少受一些损失。He has fared hard and worked hard to make good everybody's loss.
- 不过我们一向不向客人收小费,这样有背于我们的规章。But we never accept anything from the guests. It's against regulations.
- 在老师目光税利如鹰的注视下,我们总是很规矩。We seldom misbehaved under the hawk-eyed gaze of our teacher.
- 他的作品在这次竞赛中评价并不很高。His work didn't rate very high in the competition.