- 据报道,一些个体经营者全然不顾社会公德,只想从顾客身上榨取利润。It's reported that some private Businessmen take mo account of social ethics But squeeze money out of their customers.
- 我在他身上赚了六百块大洋。I realized six hundred on him.
- 公司把上涨的费用转嫁到了顾客身上。The price increases were passed on by the firm to the consumers.
- 从顾客来讲,最大的变化则是在付款处排队的人流不断向前移动。"As for the customer, the most dramatic change is the way checkout lines keep moving."
- 赚earn
- 从顾客的角度来说.from the standpoint of the customer
- 食物如需附上有关标签,供应商可能将有关费用转嫁到顾客身上,你愿唔愿意俾多少少钱呢?If food labelling is needed, the suppliers may transfer the costs to the customers. Are you willing to pay a little more money?
- 身上on one's body; physically
- 组织应对从顾客制造厂、工程部门及经销商退回的产品,进行分析.The organization shall analyse parts rejected by the customer's manufacturing plants, engineering facilities and dealerships.
- 一口价fixed price
- 赚大钱earn good money
- 核价pricing
- 你从顾客那儿得到什么反馈了吗?Did you get any feedback from your clients?
- 到岸价cost
- 赚到gain
- 对价consideration
- 那天文森特将他从顾客那里拉开,告诉他我们要结婚了。Vincent pulled him away from his customers that day and told him we were getting married.
- 赚得earn
- 全价overhead price
- 从那时起from then on