- 从顾客的角度来说.from the standpoint of the customer
- 他们看见品质与盈利的关系,懂得从顾客的角度来界定品质,及将之包含在策略性规划中。They have linked it with profitability, defined it from the customer's point of view, and required its inclusion in the strategic planning process.
- 你有什么长处可以从顾客的角度来看。What might be your strengths from a customer's point of view.
- 从顾客的角度来讲,这项政策不应该受到批评。In the terms of customer satisfaction, the policy should not be criticized.
- 这个表格从业务的角度来说很有意义,它确实很好地规划出需求。That table makes sense from a business perspective, and it does map out the requirements nicely.
- 从顾客的立场来想,他们是没有错的。Douglas: From their point of view, they are right!
- 从创建和运行页的角度来说,单文件页和使用代码分离的页没有显著的差别。From the perspective of creating and running the page, there is not a significant difference between a single-file page and a page with code separation.
- 从顾客来讲,最大的变化则是在付款处排队的人流不断向前移动。"As for the customer, the most dramatic change is the way checkout lines keep moving."
- 我的工作就是把从顾客手中收来的每张票都扔在一个金属箱子里。I was supposed to drop each ticket that I took from a customer into a metal receptacle.
- 横向性某些植物或其器官安排他们自己以正确的角度而得到一种刺激的趋向The tendency of certain plants or their parts to arrange themselves at right angles to a stimulus.
- 组织应对从顾客制造厂、工程部门及经销商退回的产品,进行分析.The organization shall analyse parts rejected by the customer's manufacturing plants, engineering facilities and dealerships.
- 从顾客的立场来想,他们是没有错的。当然这也不是我们的错。问题是,接下来我们做了什么了吗?Douglas: From their point of view, they're right! It's not our fault, of course, but what are we doing about it? Has there been any follow-up on this issue?
- 从地质学的角度来说geologically speaking
- 据报道,一些个体经营者全然不顾社会公德,只想从顾客身上榨取利润。It's reported that some private Businessmen take mo account of social ethics But squeeze money out of their customers.
- 从不同的角度at a different angle
- 从需求一方来说,竞争也恰当地节制了顾客的需求,同时也使顾客多方面的需要得到满足。On the demand side it also rations consumer demand appropriately, and it also tends to mean that the variety of consumer needs can be met.
- 从人的角度humanly
- 在这个专栏,我将解释为什么从宪法角度来说不良法律立基不稳。In this column, I'll explain why indecency law has always been on extremely tenuous ground, from a constitutional perspective.
- 从生物学的角度biologically
- 从这个角度来说,From that perspective