- 从65岁开始,您更可选择终生收取入息,完全不受市况表现对投资组合所带来的影响。Starting from age 65, you can elect to receive income for life no matter how the markets perform.
- 他们从财产租赁中获得一大笔收入。They have a large ~ from lease of property.
- "你如果把计算机损坏了,你就会丧失索回货款的权利。""If you do any damage to the computer even by any chance, you'll forfeit your right to get the fund."
- 较高入息的家庭,电脑和互联网的使用率相对较高,有关详情表列于下图Households with higher income levels have higher usage of PCs and the Internet. Details are tabulated in the chart below
- 论占有方式及其法的关系--从财产所有权到产权On the Means of Ownership and Laws Concerned--From Property Ownership to Modern Property Right
- 当一名绅士的难处之一是,不容许粗声粗气地主张自己的权利。One of the embarrassment of be a gentleman be that you be not permit to be violent in assert your rights.
- 从财产所有权与企业所有权的区别看国有企业改革The Reform in State - Owned Enterprises as Is Seen from the Perspective of Distinction between Property Ownership and Enterprise Ownership
- 您需要一个可以为您提供保证入息的计划,让您可以定期提取或累积退休储备,以备晚年所需。You need a plan that delivers a guaranteed income which can be drawn regularly, or be accumulated for retirement just when you want it.
- 买入buying
- 你如果不在一星期内把物品退回商店,你将丧失索回货款的权利。If you don't return the article to the shop within a week, you forfeit your right to get your money back.
- 按照合同或者其他合法方式取得财产的,财产所有权从财产交付时起转移,the ownership of property obtained by contract or by other lawful means shall Be transferred simultaneously with the property itself.
- 我完全相信,不从财产方面考虑,我的爱米莉是会得到您的赏识和赞许的。I am quite confident that-apart from considerations of fortune-you will admire and approve of my Emily.
- 我不同意你说的话,但我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。(伏尔泰) I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.( Voltaire)
- 若是不能,就趁敌人还远的时候,派使者去求和息的条款。If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace.
- 梁耀忠议员就公屋家庭的租金与入息中位比例提出质询。Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung raised a question on the Median Rent-to-Income Ratio of households in public rental housing estates.
- 厂主不许工人进厂的威胁反而激怒了工人,使他们更坚决地起来为维护自己的权利而斗争。The employer's threat to lock out the workers only infuriated them and made them stand up more firmly for their rights.
- 什么是人从一种异化的社会机器的控制中解放出来,从虚构的价值等级,形式上的自由,从财产的专制及对金钱拜物教和强权中解放出来呢?Of man liberated from the clutches of an alienating social machinery, from a mythical hierarchy of values, formalized freedoms, from the dictatorship of property, the fetish and the might of money?
- 自雇人士须按其有关入息的5%供款。A self-employed person will have to contribute 5 per cent of his or her relevant income.
- 保证退休入息保Guaranteed Retirement Income Plan GRIP
- 财产检索的权利beneficium excussionis