- 两位从未谋面的朋友,一段通过电波传递的友情,终于有了结果。One of the world's longest standing long-distance relationships is finally at an end.
- 我们从未谋面,但我相信你一定是布朗的弟弟,从新西兰来。你们兄弟俩长得真像。We haven't met before,but I'm sure you must be Brown's brother from New Zealand,you're as like as two peas.
- 在听过尼克讲的无数与一个叫做阿什莉的从未谋面的女子书信往来的故事之后,鲁迪期待着回到他日夜思念的家,并在温暖的家中喝一杯热腾腾的咖啡。After hearing endless stories during his incarceration of Nick?s romantic correspondence to a woman named Ashley he has never met (Charlize Theron), Rudy is looking forward to returning to his family and having a fresh cup of hot chocolate.
- 来到冰岛你会体验到一种全新的感觉:因从未谋面你会发现这里的自然风光纤尘未染,特点鲜明; 而这里的居民也颇具个性地将自然、传统文化和现代的生活方式融洽地柔和在一起。Visit Iceland and you'll enter a whole new realm of experience. You'll discover original nature as you've never seen it before, and the equally original people for whom timeless nature, ancient heritage and modern lifestyle coexist in harmony.
- 新加坡文学界名人及作家方修先生,先后于70年代及80年代所著的文学评论里曾赞扬家父的诸作品,方修先生和家父,从未谋面,也互不认识,由此可见一个人之成名也可由他的著作而决定的。The Singapore writer and literary critic Fang Xiu had,through his literary critiques in the 1970's and 1980's,praised father's works although they had never known or met each other. Indeed,a man can be just as well known by the reputation of his works.
- 楼面floor
- 拌面noodles served with soy sauce
- 六面体hexahedron
- 那位独唱者过去从未在伦敦演出过。The soloist had never performed in London before.
- 他因为新谋得这职位仍然感到兴奋。He's still excited because of the newness of the position.
- 八面体octahedron
- 他从未尝过失败的滋味。He has never tasted defeat.
- 他谋得了那份工作。He succeeded in getting the job.
- 我从未到过那里。I have never been there.
- 面影face
- 别相信那人。他只不过是想尽法子去谋得他所需要的一切而已。Don't trust that man. He just goes all out for anything he can get.
- 我从未尝到过成功的快乐。I have never tasted the sweets of success.
- 麻面pitting surface
- 他在一家美国大公司谋得一职。He landed a job in a large American corporation.
- 他从未失去明达的判断力。Sanity of judgment has never deserted him.