- 从屋顶上掠过的飞机.Aircraft skimming the roof-tops
- 来自中途机场的喷气机,拖着阴沉的的影子从屋顶上掠过,勾起我对黛米·冯格尔的死的思念。The heavy shadow of a jet from Midway airport crossed the room, reminding me of the death of Demmie Vonghel.
- 他从屋顶上掉下来,摔在下面的一个石堆上,撞得脑浆迸裂。He fell over the roof and dashed out his brains on a pile of stones below.
- 来自中途机场的喷气机,拖着阴沉的的影子从屋顶上掠过,勾起我对黛米·冯格尔的死的思念。The heavy shadow of a jet from Midway airport crossed the room, reminding me of the death of Demmie Vonghel.
- 一阵大风把床从屋顶上吹了下来,哐一声响落在下面的院子里A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below.
- 那架飞机从树梢掠过。The airplane shaved the top of a tree.
- 她嘴唇上掠过一丝微笑。A smile played across her lips.
- 风把瓦(从屋顶上)刮了下来.The wind dislodged some tiles (from the roof).
- 从浪尖上掠过skim over the waves
- 半圆壁,弧形窗在高高的屋顶上的小的,圆的或新月形的开口A small, circular or crescent-shaped opening in a vaulted roof.
- 戈尔巴乔夫和赖沙一起从停在希恩罗机场的飞机上走下来。Gorbachev and Raisa descended together from their plane at Heathrow Airport.
- 一架客机低低地从田野上掠过。A flight of aircraft flashed low across the field.
- 一两只载着孩子们的小游船在水面上掠过。One or two canoes with boys in them sped past on the current.
- 几滴雨水落在了屋顶上。A few drops of rain landed on the roof.
- 探照灯从场地上掠过。Searchlights raked the grounds.
- 雨水从屋顶流下来。The rain ran off the roof.
- 外边太阳已经升到屋顶上,我望得见在阳光照耀的大教堂的尖顶。Outside the sun was up over the roofs and I could see the points of the cathedral with the sunlight on them.
- 也在等了很长很长的时间后,终于看到联合军的飞机从头顶上飞过。After what seemed like a long absence, Allied aircraft soared overhead.
- 黄绿的稻田上掠过秋云的阴影,后面是狂追的太阳。Over the green and yellow rice-fields sweep the shadows of the autumn clouds followed by the swift-chasing sun.
- 檐沟把从屋顶流下的雨水带走。The gutter took away the rain water from the roof.