- 机械连接接口动力学模型研究现状Research Survey of Dynamic Modeling of Bolted Joint
- 论文设计了蓝牙传感器节点(BSN)的嵌入式结构,包括数据采集部分(DC)、蓝牙连接接口部分(CM)、用户应用接口部分(UI)和网络协议设计部分(NP)。The thesis presents an embedded structure of BSN, which includes the Data Collection,Bluetooth Connection Management, User Interface and Network Protocol.
- 接口interface (port)
- 介质medium ( mediums or media)
- 工作介质actuating medium
- 数据接口data interface
- 存储介质storage medium
- usb接口
- 一条四车道的公路连接这两个城市。A four-lane highway connects the two cities.
- 串行接口serial interface
- 多孔介质porous medium
- 网络接口network interface
- 连接口connector
- 飞机座舱金属-介质连接处凸台的雷达散射分析Analysis on the Radar Scattering for the Boss at the Position of the Metal-Medium Connection of Aircraft Cabin
- 微机原理与接口技术Computer Principles and Interface Techniques
- 通讯接口communication interface
- 在生产工艺过程中连接点所受的载荷和接触的介质?What are the loads or treatments the joint is exposed to during the manufacturing process?
- 接口技术interfacing
- 电源接口power interface
- 压力连接弹性体使得磁控开关适用于许多气体和液体介质。A pressure connection free of elastomers qualifies the MagSwitch for many liquid and gaseous media.