- 言论expression of (political) opinion
- 言论自由(constitutional) freedom of speech
- 对敌人的刻骨仇恨inveterate hatred for the enemy
- 尽量涤净你灵魂中的仇恨。Try to purge your spirit of hatred.
- 我的鲁莽言论招致她的不悦。My imprudent utterances incurred her displeasure.
- 他言论温和。He is temperate in speech.
- 她感到她的厌恶正迅速变成仇恨。She felt her dislike rapidly deepening to hatred.
- 在某些人身上这类事会引起他们对黑皮肤的人的刻骨仇恨。It woke in some men a virulent hatred of a black skin.
- 驳斥一种言论impugn a statement
- 深深埋藏的仇恨deeply implanted hatred
- 她蔑视他的言论。She bridled at his remarks.
- 阶级间的仇恨。animosity between classes
- 对言论自由权侵犯violation of the right of free speech
- 内心充满仇恨be imbued with hatred
- 启发人的言论illumination remark
- 对的仇恨animosity toward sb.
- 真正的民主国家允许言论自由。A true democracy allows free speech.
- 仇恨往往酿成暴力。Hatred engenders violence.
- 他的愚蠢言论和行为使他丢了工作。His foolish remarks and behaviour lost him his job.
- 尽管举止文明,但内心深处却满腔仇恨。He behaved politely but inside he was smouldering with hate.