- 人自称为负责人的东西.people who profess to be in charge of things.
- 在这群人中有些人自称为‘第三文化的孩子们’。Rather he/she is an amalgamation of different ethnic backgrounds and different kinds of experiences.
- 自定义user-defined
- 自oneself
- 美国人自以为给他留下的东西比比皆是。The American knows that a good deal remains.
- 外国(地区)企业董事人或总经理对负责人的任命书Letter of Appointment of principal signed by the Chairman of General Manager of foreign (area ) enterprise
- 众所周知,当一种元素与氧结合时,形成的东西被称为氧化物。It is well known that the thing formed when an element combines with oxygen is called oxide.
- 印地安纳州自称为“美国的交通要道”,这话十分贴切。Indiana calls itself "the cross roads of America", a motto justly deserved.
- 最大后验估计和最近邻线性回归结合的说话人自适应方法A Novel speaker Adaptation Method based on Map and NNLR
- 他这个人有一种说不出来的东西使我们从一开始就不喜欢他。There was a je ne sais quoi about him which made us disliked him form the first.
- 他自称为男爵。He styles himself Baron.
- 每人自带一个菜的聚会potluck
- 他自称为历史学家,但是他的书都是些肤浅的通俗作品。He calls himself a historian, but his books are a mere journalism.
- 一个人的富有,是与他能够置之不理的东西的数目相称的。A man is rich in proportion to the number of thing which he can afford to let alone.
- 他无权自称为专家。He has no right to term himself an expert.
- 新的住房仍趋向传统格调。很少有人想买真正不同寻常的东西。New housing still tends towards the traditional. Few buyers want something really unusual.
- 我不自称为学者。I lay no claim to being a scholar.
- 欺人自欺cheat oneself and others; try to deceive others only to end in deceiving
- 他自称为是那种英明的、无所不知的父亲,可他并不是。He's not the wise, all-knowing father he sets himself up as.
- 这些动词都是指使已知或应是鲜为人知的东西为人所知。These verbs signify to make known what has been or ought to be kept from the knowledge of others.