- 人烟稀少的边远地区.Remote or sparsely inhabited region
- 人烟稀少的边远地区(通常指未开垦的)Remote (usu uncultivated) area where few people live
- 处在边远地区或人烟稀少的地方的哨所。a station in a remote or sparsely populated location.
- 澳洲丛林中的居民;在野外生活或旅游的人,尤指在人烟稀少的内陆one who lives or travels in the wilderness,especially in the outback
- 法律所不能及的边远地区the lawless frontier.
- 在未被干扰的边远地区:原生的地方通常很远,很少来访者,而且没有明显的影响。Camping in Undisturbed Remote Areas: Pristine areas are usually remote, see few visitors, and have no obvious impacts.
- 澳洲丛林中的居民在野外生活或旅游的人,尤指在人烟稀少的内陆One who lives or travels in the wilderness, especially in the outback.
- 法律不严的边远小镇a wide-open frontier town.
- 人烟稀少的腹地backblocks
- 自然资源富饶的边远民族山区市场构建的几点思考Reflections on the Establishment of Market System in the Remote Ethnic Mountainous Regions Enjoying Rich Natural Resources
- 伴随着更年期的内分泌变化使很多妇女的情绪受到影响。A lot of women are affected emotionally by the hormonal changes that accompany the change of life.
- 人烟稀少的一个区a district sparsely inhabited
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 基于无盘网络及终端技术的边远中小学网络学习环境A Networks Learning Environment for the School in Remote Area Based on Diskless Networks and Terminal Technology
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 新疆边远地区Xinjiang's remote area
- 6点钟准时举行鸡尾酒会,随之在8点钟举行正式的晚宴。Cocktails will be served promptly at six to be followed by dinner at eight.
- 拉斯维加斯:神化的边远绿州或模?美国城市?〉,2002。Gillespie, J. "Las Vegas: Mythical Frontier Oasis or Paradigmatic American City?" 2002.
- 肥沃富饶但人烟稀少的象牙海岸。the richly endowed but underpopulated Ivory Coast.
- 这地区食物和燃料都很缺乏。Food and fuel were scarce in this region.