- 孔夫子说过,“人无远虑,必有近忧。As Confucius said, "People who do not think far enough ahead inevitably have worries near at hand.
- 威廉亨利·哈里森:人无远虑必有近忧。William Henry Harrison: Don't lose sight of long-term goals.
- 人无远虑必有近忧Those who do not plan for the future will find trouble at his doorstep
- 人无远虑,必有近忧。A man without distant care must have sorrow.
- 人无远虑,必有近忧。He who gives no thought to difficulties in the future is sure to Be Beset By worries much closer at hand.
- 必necessarily
- 人无远虑,必有近忧one person should think about the future
- 远虑foresight
- 三人行必有我师Two heads are always better than one
- 无友者像人无右手。A friendless man is like a left hand without a right hand.
- 人无完人,金无足赤。Every man has his faults.
- 研究估计今年有近1.2万只信天翁死于南非的拖网捕鱼作业。A study estimated that there almost 12,000 albatrosses died in the South African trawl fishery this year.
- 小人无大志。Little things amuse little minds.
- 那匹马每当有人走近时它都要踢跳。The horse kicks when anyone comes near him.
- 而其存在和发展,亦必有相当的条件。It can exist and develop only under certain conditions.
- 人无完人。No man is perfect.
- 有近五十名参展者为画展提供了展品.Nearly fifty exhibitors have provided pictures for the display.
- 三人行,必有我师焉。There must be one out of three who can be your teacher.
- 我可以从他狡猾的表情中看出他必有诡计。I could tell by his sly look that he had something up his sleeve.
- 如人无人之境like entering an unpeopled land