- 零落sporadic
- 稀疏零落sparse and scattered
- 人才需求预测manpower demand forecasting
- 零落的ruinous
- 人才系统工程systems engineering for manpower
- 草木零落bare trees and withered grass
- 第一流的人才an aristocracy of intellect
- 草木零落。The grass is withered and the trees are bare.
- 厚脸皮的人才干得出这种事。One must have a thick hide to do such a thing.
- 东方天空射出零落的光辉。The east broke out in ragged flame.
- 这些也是吸引人才的重要因素。These are also important elements to attract foreign talent.
- 零落的枪声sporadic shooting; scattered reports of gunfire
- 要大量提拔人才。We should advance a great deal of talents.
- 寒冬的/零落的阵雪wintry/scattered snow showers
- 只有褊狭小人才非计较体面不可。It's only people of small moral stature who have to stand on their dignity.
- 小山边叶子零落。On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves.
- 人才拥有量分析manpower availability analysis
- 凄凉零落的景象a desolate scene
- 这又是一种无形的人才和资源浪费。This proved to be an unseen waste of talent and resources.
- 一片凄凉零落的景象a desolate scene