- 那条狗由一位专业训练师训练。The dog was disciplined by a professional trainer.
- 法师训练师增加一个新等级的寒冰护体。Added a new rank of Ice Barrier to mage trainers.
- 训练training
- 首先,你要找到训练师。First, you will need to find the trainers.
- 人工智能artificial intelligence
- 训练师现在教授增加新的韧性的盾牌附魔。Added a new enchant shield recipe to trainers that increases resilience.
- 训练的disciplinary
- 师兄弟(senior and junior) fellow apprentice
- 三人行必有我师Two heads are always better than one
- 军事训练drill
- 面包师doughhead
- 占卜师augur
- 训练营training battalion
- 税务师tax accountant
- 规划师planner
- 职业训练vocational training
- 护师Nurse Practitioner
- 训练员drillmaster
- 验光师optometrist
- 强化训练hard training