- 享有国际声誉的钢琴家.a pianist with an international reputation
- 享有国际声誉的建筑师an architect of international repute
- 华盛顿·欧文和詹姆斯·费尼莫·库珀是美国最早享有国际声誉的作家。Washington Irving was-closely followed by James Fenimore Cooper-the first man of letters from the United States to win an international reputation.
- 她是一位享有国际声誉的作家。She is a writer of international repute.
- 玛丽很可能成功。她是一个聪明、漂亮、很有天才的钢琴家。Mary has a lot going for her,she is intelligent,attractive and a very talented pianist.
- 才华扬溢的钢琴家暨作曲家肖邦逝于1849年10月17日,他被葬在法国的一处公墓。The body of the 1)brilliant pianist and 2)composer Frederic Chopin, who died on October 17, 1849, can be found in a Paris 3)cemetery.
- 他是一家享有国际声誉的法律事务所的成员.He is a member of an internationally reputed legal firm.
- 她声称是位优秀的钢琴家。She claims to be a good pianist.
- 菲尔兹是加拿大多伦多大学第一位重要的数学家,在当时享有国际声誉。He was the first significant mathematician at the University of Toronto, and was also internationally known at the time.
- 海伦是一位出色的钢琴家,但她倾向于深藏不露,不愿在公开场合演奏。Helen is an excellent pianist but she tends to hide her light under a bushel and won't play in public.
- 曾当过工程师、多救济计划的创造性组织者行政管理者的胡佛因而享有国际盛誉。Hoover had an international reputation as an engineer, a creative organizer of vast relief programs, and an administrator.
- 一位非常杰出的钢琴家a tremendous piano player
- 她是才华横溢的钢琴家.She is a prodigiously talented pianist.
- 国际声誉international fame.
- 英国享有国际贸易最大优势的时期a period when the British enjoyed supremacy in international trade
- 她是个有相当声誉的经济学家。She was an economist of considerable standing.
- 有造诣的钢琴家an accomplished pianist.
- 曾当过工程师、众多救济计划的创造性组织者行政管理者的胡佛因而享有国际盛誉。Hoover had an international reputation as an engineer, a creative organizer of vast relief programs, and an administrator.
- 荣耀的事授予荣誉或声誉的事Something conferring honor or renown.