- 双向交互通信two-way alternate communication
- 第二个问题通常在单个的服务器上产生,该服务器支持多个用户,而这些用户与服务器的交互通信将10兆位/秒的以太网链路推到了极限。The second problem usually arises at an individual server that is supporting multiple users whose interaction with the server starts pushing the limits of the 10M bit/sec Ethernet link.
- 用户与计算机的交互通信interactive user-computer communication
- 交互mutual
- 最近,他在担任美国佛罗里达州克利尔沃特市一家交互通信公司的首席技术官,同时,他还是几本Web开发书籍的作者,其中包括More recently, he was the Chief Technology Officer of an interactive communications firm in Clearwater, Florida, USA, and is the author of several books on Web development, including
- 有了Java,Web就能成为一种真正是交互的媒体,因为通过利用Java,你将能与信息、与Java程序和其它用户进行交互通信。With Java,the Web could become a truly interactive medium,because,by using Java,you will be able to interact with the information,with Java programs,and with other users.
- 交互作用interaction
- 你亲自或通信申请均可。You may apply in person or by letter.
- 交互的seesaw
- 两个姑娘现在定期互相通信。Both girls write to each other regularly now.
- 人机交互human-computer interaction
- 你一直和他通信吗?Have you been corresponding with him?
- 地下铁道通信communication in the subway
- 交互性interaction
- 频分多路通信frequency division multiplex communication
- 显然这在用电话做生意中是有用处的。它也能用于约会提醒程序一类的应用,或者确认或通知系统,在这些场合,不必一定需要两个人之间的交互通信。It has obvious uses for telemarketing, but it can also be used for applications such as appointment reminders, or a confirmation or notification system, where live interaction between two humans is not necessary.
- 铁路长途通信railway toll communication
- 流星余迹通信设备meteoric trail communication equipment
- 使用专家系统而发生的用户和专家系统之间的交互作用。The interaction between user and expert system arising from the expert system's use.
- 军鸽通信military pigeon communication