- 太好了very good
- 亚太Asia-Pacific
- 以太网Ethernet
- 日本商工会议所CJCCI
- 日本福冈商工会议所Fukuoka Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Japan
- 不太not too
- 韩国汉城商工会议所The Seoul Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- 太大toobig
- Nisho (即日本商工会议所)日商
- 太棒了excellent; It's good
- 九龙凤凰小巴商工总会有限公司Kowloon Fung Wong Public Light Bus Merchants and Workers'Association Limited
- 太忙too busy
- 会见日本商工会议所访华团时谈话的节选excerpt from a talk with a delegation from the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- 太古immemorial
- 太大的oversize
- 八、出版刊物(主编三重商工简讯、图书馆馆讯)。Publishing periodicals (Briefing of SCVS and Library Briefing).
- 太少very little
- 以太Ether-
- 太过extremeness