- 物流physical distribution
- 物流管理logistics management
- 物流部Logistics Department
- 物流中心logistics center
- 亚马逊河流域很大。The Amazon Basin is very large.
- 物流费physical distribution expenses
- 这里是亚马逊河水流入大海的地方。This is where the waters of the Amazon flow out into the sea.
- 物流业logistics
- 这场讨论已经远远超过了亚马逊。The debate is also about much more than amazon.
- 第三方物流third-party logistics
- 亚马逊鼍Melanosuchus niger [black caiman]
- 物流配送logistics distribution
- 物流学logistics
- 物流工程Logistics Engineering
- 物流系统material flow system
- 物流经理logistics manager
- 现代物流modern logistics
- 物流部门logistics department
- 物流信息logistics information
- 物流服务logistics service