- 蚺boa; python
- 森蚺anaconda
- 蚺蛇尖Nam She Tsim(Sharp Peak)
- 树蚺tree boa
- 蚺蛇anaconda
- 虹蚺Epicrates
- 黄色虹蚺Epicrates inornatus [Puerto Rican boa]
- 蚺城Ran - ch' eng
- 蚺蛇胆Indian python gall
- 蚺蛇膏Indian python oil
- 蚺蛇肉Indian python meat
- 牙买加虹蚺Epicrates subflavus [Jamaican boa]
- 南美蚺蛇jiboa; jiboya
- 这条水蚺(一种南美洲的蟒蛇)把孩子全身卷起。The anaconda wrapped itself around the boy.
- 同时,不要上蚺蛇尖,这是最陡峭难行的山峰。And avoid Sharp Peak, the steepest, slipperiest and sharpest summit of the lot.
- 蟒蛇,蚺蛇蟒蛇,蚺蛇,与之类似或相关的蛇A similar or related snake.
- 施习德,1998。高美滩地的蟹类,57-82页,黄朝洲编著,高美?岬厣???馈G逅?蚺B钔肺幕????台中。Shih, H.-T., 1998. Crab fauna of the Kaomei mudflat, pp. 52-82, in "The Ecological Beauty of Kaomei Wetland" (Huang, C.-C. ed). The Cultural Society of Niu-Ma-Tou, Tsingsui Town, Taichung.
- 蟒,蟒蛇莽蛇科的大型、无毒,主要生活在热带的蛇,包括蟒蛇、蚺蛇、王蛇及其它用缠绕而使猎物窒息的蛇类Any of various large, nonvenomous, chiefly tropical snakes of the family Boidae, which includes the python, anaconda, boa constrictor, and other snakes that coil around and suffocate their prey.
- 森蚺,蚺蛇,蟒蛇一种南美洲热带无毒大蛇(真游蟒鼠灰色),捕食时用身体缠住它的猎物并使其窒息而死A large nonvenomous arboreal snake(Eunectes murinus) of tropical South America that kills its prey by suffocating it in its coils.
- 森蚺,蚺蛇,蟒蛇: 一种南美洲热带无毒大蛇 (真游蟒 鼠灰色),捕食时用身体缠住它的猎物并使其窒息而死。anaconda: a large nonvenomous arboreal snake (Eunectes murinus) of tropical South america that kills its prey by suffocating it in its coils.