- 效应effect
- 温室效应greenhouse effect
- 蝴蝶效应butterfly effect
- 品牌效应brand effect
- 亚马逊河流域很大。The Amazon Basin is very large.
- 马太效应"the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomplishments. )"
- 这里是亚马逊河水流入大海的地方。This is where the waters of the Amazon flow out into the sea.
- 规模效应scale effect
- 协同效应synergistic effect
- 光电效应photoemission
- 边际效应marginal utility
- 名人效应celebrity effect
- 场效应管FET
- 多普勒效应doppler
- 明星效应celebrity's appeal
- 热岛效应tropical island effect
- 广告效应demonstration effect
- 多米诺效应domino effect
- 经济效应economic effect
- 乘数效应multiplier effect