- 亚瑟Arthur
- 亚瑟王King Arthur
- 查理斯在绝望中。Charles was in despair.
- 查理斯横或骑士王Charles Spaniel Or Cavalier King
- 克拉克将军:最有效的武器是观点。Gen. Clark: The most effective weapon is the idea.
- 亚瑟向神父忏悔。Arthur confessed to the priest.
- 我叫查理斯·福特。My name's Charles Ford.
- 克拉克。This is clark.
- 在音乐会上,查理斯演唱,保罗伴奏。At the concert,Charles sang and Paul played.
- 亚瑟爵士己经得出结论:嫌疑犯是个左撇子,鞋上有钉子。Sir Arthur had come to the conclusion that the suspect was left-handed and had nails in his shoes.
- 克拉克将军以无线电报称如无达而郎,任何和谈俱不可能。General Clark radioed that without Darlan no conciliation was possible
- 这幅画描绘了亚瑟王法庭的一个场面。This picture represents a scene at King Arthur's court.
- 克拉克将军:哦,是的。Gen. Clark: Oh, yes.
- 查理斯,请原谅,我刚才是一时的糊涂。Please forgive me, Charles. I've lost my senses just now.
- 是什么诱使亚瑟偷这只表的?What tempted Arthur to steal the watch?
- 查理斯,请原谅,我刚才是一时的糊涂。Please forgive me, Charles. I've lost my senses just now.
- 骨灰动力克拉克Ashes driving force for Clark
- 你好。我的名字叫查理斯·福德。How do you do? My name's Charles ford.
- 克拉克爱说大话。Clark likes to talk big.
- 有时他主动提出与亚瑟一起学习,甚至还邀请亚瑟共进午餐。Sometimes he offered to study with Yaser. He even invited Yaser to eat lunch with him.