- 词霸PowerWord
- 亚热带semitropics
- 金山词霸Kingsoft
- 多拉Duola
- 金山毒霸Jinshan anti-virus software
- 亚热带季风性气候subtropical monsoon climate
- 波霸busty woman
- 晚上其余的时间,当多拉为我们载歌载舞时,我一直目不转睛地注视着她。For the rest of the evening I gazed at Dora as she played and sang to us.
- 亚热带气候subtropical climate
- 浴霸bathroom heater
- 多拉总会瞧着他的脸,无奈地摇摇头,心想男孩究意是男孩。Dora would look at his face and shake her head. Boys.
- 亚热带的subtropical
- 霸业ruleship; accomplishments of obtaining the dominant position
- 如果理查德不肯给她买戒指,多拉有她的看家本领--眼泪。If Richard does not buy her the ring, Dora still has an ace up her sleeve--tears.
- 绵阳市境内属于东部亚热带季风气候区,气候温和,四季分明。Mianyang city belongs to eastern subtropics monsoon climate region, moderate climate, and distinctive four seasons.
- 则莫多拉Zemoduola
- 亚热带沼泽subtropical mire
- 霸lord
- 派多拉服patola
- 多拉法典Code Thora