- 那部新电影大受好评。The new film has received a lot of praise.
- 西方影评人眼中的亚洲电影美学The Asian Aesthetics
- 由于那部电影大获成功,它的插曲也很受欢迎。Since that film scores a great success, its interlude songs are also much sought after.
- 亚洲Asia
- 4由于那部电影大获成功,它的插曲也很受欢迎。Since that film scores a great success, its interlude songs are also much sought after.
- 大奖Grand Prix
- 参见其尚未出版的论著《好莱坞、全球化与亚洲电影市场:中国的教训?Hollywood, Globalization and Film Markets in Asia: Lessons for China?
- 中大奖get Grand Prix
- 另外,第廿四届电影节亦大力支持于同期举行之首次香港亚洲电影投资会。HKIFF also strongly supported the first-ever Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum held concurrently.
- 我们得了大奖。We won the grand prize.
- 究竟《卧虎藏龙》是成功开拓了亚洲电影的全球市场,抑或其好成绩只是单纯的侥幸呢?Did Crouching Tiger's popularity portend a huge global market for Asian movies, or was it a fluke?
- 得大奖win a good prize
- 你还没有决定下一部电影的方案,你会倾向于好莱坞工作室的电影,还是另一部亚洲电影?HW: You haven't decided on your next project yet. Are you leaning towards a Hollywood studio film or another film from Asia?
- 拿大奖win Grand Prix
- 惊喜大奖surprising prize
- 技术大奖prize for technical achievement
- 瑞士名表品牌马表宣布委任亚洲电影及乐坛天王刘德华,担任品牌于大中华及多个东南亚国家的首位代言人。Renowned Swiss watch brand, Cyma, has announced that acclaimed pan-Asian actor/singer Andy Lau is to become its first-ever image ambassador for Greater China and most of the Southeast Asian countries.
- 全场游戏大奖TheInternational Mobile Gaming Grand Prix
- 世界粮食大奖Prize for World Food Safety
- 产品创新大奖Frost and Sullivan Product Innovation