- 滨枣Christ's-thorn
- 亚洲Asia
- 滨shore
- 亚洲人Asiatic
- 亚洲的Hamito-Semitic
- 枣红色purplish red; date red
- 亚洲国家Asian country
- 香芋枣排Taro and Chinese Date Cake
- 滨水区waterfront
- 亚洲金融危机financial crisis in Asia
- 我们沿海滨散步。We took a walk along the seashore.
- 密枣glace date
- 亚洲共赢win-win Asia
- 昨天早晨我沿海滨散步,这时太阳出来了,大海显得格外美丽。I walked along the beach yesterday morning when the sun came out and the sea looked so beautiful.
- 枣核date pit
- 亚洲四小龙Four little Dragons in Asia
- 矶鹬科与鹬形似的滨鸟。shorebird of the sandpiper family that resembles a snipe.
- 枣jujube
- 亚洲开发银行ADB
- 城市的滨水区The waterfront district of a city.