- 亚洲文明博物馆馆长Director, Asian Civilisations Museum
- 辉煌的记忆成都东郊工业文明博物馆The Glorious Memories Chengdu Eastern Suburbs Industrial Civilization Museum
- 参加渥太华文明博物馆陶艺大师特展。A member of the Masters of the Crafts Exhibition at the Museum of Civilization in Ottawa.
- 德黑兰亚洲文明对话研讨会综述Summary of the Symposium Held in Teheran on the Dialogue of Asian Civilizations
- 亚洲文明是世界文明的奇葩,历史悠久,辉煌灿烂。"With their long and brilliant history, Asian civilizations are glimmering like beautiful flowers in the garden of world civilization. "
- 对伊朗政府召开此次亚洲文明对话会议表示感谢。I also wish to express our thanks to the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran for hosting the Conference of Dialogue of Asian Civilizations.
- 经计算,这些钱还不到与首都渥太华隔河相望的文明博物馆每年费用的1/2,也只是参议院所需费用的一半。That works out at under half the annual cost of the Museum of Civilization, across the river from the capital Ottawa, or half the cost of running the Senate.
- 亚洲文明对世界文明发展的巨大贡献,是全亚洲的光荣和骄傲。The great contribution of Asian civilizations to the development of the world civilization is the glory and pride of the whole of Asia.
- 他的作品被许多博物馆收藏。His works hang in many museums.
- 上星期五爸爸带我们去博物馆。Dad took us to the museum last Friday.
- 亚洲人何时开始向美国移民的?When did Asians begin to migrate to the United States?
- 他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。They live close to the museum.
- 西方何以排斥亚洲价值观?Why does the West react so negatively to Asian values?
- 博物馆位于梅茵街。The museum is located on Main Street.
- 许多亚洲人在阿拉伯产油国工作。Many Asians work in the Arab oil states.
- 在悠久的历史长河中人类逐渐脱离野蛮状态而进入文明。Man has gradually emerged from barbarism into civilization over the long history.
- 这只花瓶是博物馆那只的仿制品。The vase is an imitation of the one in the museum.
- 亚洲水牛,常蓄养作驮用。Asiatic buffalo often domesticated for use as a draft animal.
- 文明单位model establishment