- 巨龟平台Platform of the Great Turtle
- 亚洲Asia
- 磐陀石西首,在一处巨岩上,附着两块小的岩块,形如龟甲,仿佛两只巨龟正从海里向岸上攀登,一前一后,紧紧相随。Rock is an enormous crag to which two smaller rocks have attached themselves, looking like two big turtles making their way laboriously up the cliff-side from the sea, one following closely behind the other.
- 巨tremendous
- 龟tortoise
- 巨蟹Cancer
- 亚洲人Asiatic
- 亚洲的Hamito-Semitic
- 巨蟹座cancer
- 亚洲国家Asian country
- 龟壳turtle shell
- 神龟shrine
- 亚洲金融危机financial crisis in Asia
- 巨噬细胞macrophage
- 巨量flood tide
- 龟兔赛跑the race between tortoise and rabbit
- 亚洲共赢win-win Asia
- 巨兽behemoth
- 亚洲四小龙Four little Dragons in Asia
- 蜜糖龟苓膏Guiling Jelly (Chinese Herbal Jelly) Served with Honey