- 岩蟒属Liasis
- 斑点岩蟒Children's python
- 紫晶色岩蟒Amethystine
- 亚洲Asia
- 达伯特岩蟒D'Albert's python
- 亚洲人Asiatic
- 亚洲的Hamito-Semitic
- 攀岩rock climbing
- 亚洲国家Asian country
- 岩性lithology
- 亚洲金融危机financial crisis in Asia
- 围岩wall rock
- 亚洲共赢win-win Asia
- 大蟒constrictor
- 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering
- 亚洲四小龙Four little Dragons in Asia
- 珍珠岩perlite
- 亚洲开发银行ADB
- 灰岩limestone
- 太平洋沿岸的亚洲各国都宣布反对美国在日本的新军事基地。The Asian countries along the coast of the Pacific all came out against the US new military base in Japan.